DCM to STL conversion

- Description
- Q & A
We have 2 separate DCM to STL conversion packages.
- DICOM DCM(Currently Disabled until further notice) This conversion will consist of converting a Dicom DCM dataset (CBCT scan) to an STL format. If you require cleanup, hole closing, and Arch Separation (Maxilla and Mandible Separate STL’s) there is an additional charge.
- 3shape DCM This conversion is a standard 3shape DCM file converted to an STL/PLY format. Price includes 2 conversions (exp. Maxilla and Mandible), except if needing to convert DCM scans that are not files of dental archs then the fee is per DCM file being converted.
Please know what you are ordering before paying. File Format Conversions: CAE Dental does not diagnose or validate files during conversion. File conversions are provided “as-is” and are non-refundable. If you are unsure what a 3shape DCM file is you can open up any DCM file with a text editor.
If its a 3shape DCM file it will begin with:
“<HPS version=”1.0″><Packed_geometry><Schema>CE</Schema>”
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