Cerec to STL conversion



We have 2 Cerec to STL conversion package.

  1. Single Convert: This conversion will consist of converting a Cerec File to an STL / PLY format. If you require cleanup, hole closing, and File Reduction Size( Some Cerec files are very large and we can reduce the size of them to make it easier and quicker to load in your CAD software.
  2. 50 Pack Bundle. Do you need to convert a lot of Cerec files. Purchase a bundle at a discount.

Please inform us the name of the Dr or Office that is sending the file to convert for your office. Then have your Dr. add us as Lab in their CEREC software under “CAE Dental”. Have them submit the files and we will convert automatically. Typically files are added in our web portal to download from, but if you utilize 3shape software we can send files directly into your system for immediate use. We do not charge extra to send through the 3shape Communicate portal.


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Cerec to STL


No Cleanup Files, Cleanup Files


1 Cerec File, 50 Pack Bundle

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Patient Information

Please input the name of the patient or case # for record. (Letters, Numbers, and Spaces are the only allowed format)
The typical turnaround time is 24-48 hrs. but not guaranteed. Cutoff Time is 3pm EST, if case is submitted after this time please add an extra day to the return time.
If you have multiple scans that need to have meshed together or scans are extremely bad and need to be cleaned up and smoothed, please select the option below.
Do you need holes, artifacts, irregularities cleaned up with the new saved file?
Do you need holes, artifacts, irregularities cleaned up with the new saved file(s)?

Additional Information

Add any additional information pertaining to the case.
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