3D Dental Design CAD Viewer
Exclusively for CAE Dental Customers
This powerful tool is available to our valued customers who purchase digital dental design CAD work from CAE Dental. We are committed to providing you with the best tools to bring your dental prosthetic designs to life.
1. View Designed Files in Online Orders
Integrate your designed dental files seamlessly into your online orders. Accessing your 3D models within the order interface means you can review and confirm details without switching platforms. This streamlined approach ensures accuracy and saves you valuable time.
2. Hide/Show with Visibility Sliders
With our intuitive visibility sliders, you can hide or show different components of your dental design. This feature is particularly useful for visualizing how various pieces fit together. By toggling the visibility, you can inspect each element in isolation or as part of the whole, ensuring perfect alignment and fit.
3. Change Mesh Color
Personalize your 3D models by changing the mesh color. This customization helps in visualizing the final physical prosthetic outcome. Whether you want to highlight specific areas for focus or differentiate between parts, the color change feature provides clarity and enhances your design’s visual appeal.
4. Visualizing CAD Files with Wireframe Option
Wireframe View: A wireframe is a skeletal representation of your 3D model composed of vertices and edges. This view strips away the surfaces, allowing you to see the underlying structure and topology. It’s invaluable for identifying and correcting design issues, ensuring that your model’s geometry is precise and free of errors.
5. Bounding Box Option
The bounding box feature allows you to see the exact dimensions of your CAD file. This virtual box outlines the spatial boundaries of your model, ensuring that it will fit within your chosen milling blank or print bed size. This feature is crucial for planning the manufacturing process, ensuring that your design will be produced exactly as intended.
6. Screenshot Functionality
Capture high-quality images of your CAD files with our screenshot functionality. You can take:
- Single Screenshots: Capture a detailed image of your model from any angle.
- Triple Screenshots: Generate a composite image that includes the front view, left view, and right view. This comprehensive visual documentation is perfect for sharing and presenting your design from multiple perspectives in one concise image.
We are continually improving our 3D Dental Design CAD Viewer and will be adding more features in the near future. A few planned features are “Patient Viewer Access“, “Mesh Slicer“, “Download Access“. If you have any suggestions or would like to request a specific feature, please email us here. We’d love to hear your feedback and see how we can make this tool even better for you.
Please note Design Files going forward will be located inside their respective zip file for download. Stl files will not be accessible directly as a download link going forward.